Friday, October 14, 2016

Thlog #1

            Our class discussions and passages that we have read have really boosted my confidence in understanding analyzing genre,.In the many ways that we have looked at it from all world aspects that text are associated with genre.We have been presented with many examples of bigger forms of genre and how to break down the multiple types of textual genre within those genres. One of the best examples that helped me was Kim Kardashian because it was something that was well known to me that was a clear example. Like how she has many forms of genre that relate to her.

Examples Kim Kardashian Text Genres:

  • Product Labels
  • Website
  • Tweets
  • App(Game Description)
  • Magazines
  • Blogs
       These made me understand the overview of genre. Than when you break those sections down even further you realize the list can be close to endless by just choosing one of the examples stated before. Such as magazines in different ones you will find many different textual genres depending on the type of magazines.

      The concept of genre is so deep that it inclines you to think as a writer whether you read or write. I am now getting the understanding of how the two are definitely coagulated together. Also, how the understanding of both can improve your skills in both areas.I feel this course has open up my eyes to looking past the text but at how the author is trying to persuade you or pay attention to the purpose of the writing.

       The nesting dolls were also a great tool used to advance my understanding of the concept of genre. Also how to break them down among smaller more specific concepts. the more specific you get an the explanation of it is when you really understand what you are doing. When we use tangable things to break down these big ideas it makes it easier for me to understand from a visual standpoint. Also how the tool can be used for all topics.

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