Sunday, October 23, 2016

PB1B Sample Complaint Letters

Complaint Complexity

You are probably already familiar with many genres, although you may not know them as such; perhaps your knowledge of genres is limited to types of books, whether mystery, horror, action, etc.”(Dirk, 250) However, understanding genre is way more complex than given credit for, what most people don’t know is anything that has writing on it can be a form of genre. The best way to begin understanding genre is to get that all genres are classified by conventions, patterns, or ingredients that reoccur in all of these specific type of writing. I am determined to elaborate on how to break down the conventions on the specific genre of sample complaint letters and what conventions make the genre significant. Complaints can be written for more reasons than I can began to list -starts a civil suit; the plaintiff's lawyer writes up a very brief description of the events as his client claims them to be and files it with the court- though there is specific characteristics that make this piece of writing stand apart from the others. Although, this was a broad genre I emphatically made the choice to show three prime examples-by doing this it allows me to break down simplify, compare, and contrast- for the reader to visually see what my analysis is based on.

I took a close look at 3 samples of how complaints should be formatted. When you read these particular pieces of writing by scanning them you can immediately see they all list the same conventions. The first thing you notice is the identification, address, and contact information of the person making the complaint is listed first before anything else. However, if you read like a writer you would know that this is so you know who is addressing you with a problem before you even read it. In this case both of these techniques serve the same purpose. After the person making the complaint information is listed is the person’s information that the complaint is against, with their job position, organization, and contact information. They are all formatted just a little differently but they all have the same information presented at the top of the page, when reading rhetorically I believe this appeals to logically because it is the first pieces of information needed to know dealing with anything in law.

Starting into the complaint section two of the complaint samples that I used are more alike than the third. Ex.A and Ex.B are formatted in a fill in the blank kind of way. Which might be more common and efficient, you can just plug in the information that is relative to you. However, the complaint section of Ex.C is in letter format. This is where little conventions can be broken but it does not make it any less apart of this genre. These characteristics are just some of the ways to classify this specific genre from another. Also, taking different reading approaches on a piece of writing can be beneficial in different ways depending on what type of genre you are reading.

Work Cited
Navigating Genres By; Kerry Dirk

Friday, October 14, 2016

Thlog #1

            Our class discussions and passages that we have read have really boosted my confidence in understanding analyzing genre,.In the many ways that we have looked at it from all world aspects that text are associated with genre.We have been presented with many examples of bigger forms of genre and how to break down the multiple types of textual genre within those genres. One of the best examples that helped me was Kim Kardashian because it was something that was well known to me that was a clear example. Like how she has many forms of genre that relate to her.

Examples Kim Kardashian Text Genres:

  • Product Labels
  • Website
  • Tweets
  • App(Game Description)
  • Magazines
  • Blogs
       These made me understand the overview of genre. Than when you break those sections down even further you realize the list can be close to endless by just choosing one of the examples stated before. Such as magazines in different ones you will find many different textual genres depending on the type of magazines.

      The concept of genre is so deep that it inclines you to think as a writer whether you read or write. I am now getting the understanding of how the two are definitely coagulated together. Also, how the understanding of both can improve your skills in both areas.I feel this course has open up my eyes to looking past the text but at how the author is trying to persuade you or pay attention to the purpose of the writing.

       The nesting dolls were also a great tool used to advance my understanding of the concept of genre. Also how to break them down among smaller more specific concepts. the more specific you get an the explanation of it is when you really understand what you are doing. When we use tangable things to break down these big ideas it makes it easier for me to understand from a visual standpoint. Also how the tool can be used for all topics.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

PB1A on Nutritious Facts Labels

Nutritious fact labels are directed to all consumers to inform them on the many ingredients, serving sizes, calories, vitamins, sugars, and salts. These labels are on almost every product that is bought for consumption to prevent the lack of knowledge for the product. Nutritious labels are almost always black and white so it is easily read and noticeable. However the words are so small so you don't focus to much and notice the serving size is not the whole bag most of the time. Labels are especially important to suppliers and consumers to describe the content to avoid a negative reaction or outcome due to not knowing what the product is composed of. We as people have different bodies that react to different things, if you consume a product that you don't know its contents you could have an allergic reaction and not even know the root of the problem without this source of information. Retailers normally break down big bags of chips into smaller serving sizes on the label to avoid showing a large number of calorie consumption. Nutrition label writers also  use words like less than to persuade the consumer feel this is more of a healthier alternative than it really is. With this language they are trying to minimize the fat, sugars, and salt content. Writers use the rhetorical appeal logos to persuade you with so many facts that you should not be able to question the content which makes the writer more credible. Readers appreciate the feeling of knowing the content in the product before consumption. Without this important genre we would not be able to determine the measurement of the calories, sugars or salts. Therefore we would not be able to make informed decisions on all the products we use and consume on a daily basis. I don't feel one nutritious label can be better than the next because they are all stating facts which all use the same type of rhetorical appeal in the same ways to get the point across to all readers and consumers. The most important piece of content is the list of ingredients that are present in this product so you have the knowledge to make an informed decision on whether the product fits you as a consumer. The writers main focus is to let the reader know all the facts. I see that on every nutritious label they list almost all vitamins even if this product doesn't contain that one because at first glance you would think it contains them all. Unless you really look hard on the label you wouldn't notice the huge zeros next to most of the vitamin list. These labels all have the same conventions and appeal to the same audience based on the structure and way the information is presented. Also, they all share the same type of information about the product. The content that is ignored is always smaller than the other print an located closer to the bottom so you have to exert more energy to read it.

  1. Lay's Oven Baked Chips
  2. Dorito Chips
  3. Fritos BBQ Corn chips

About Me Blurb

Wassup 2016 English ,
My name is Sherrell Redfern. I'm a licensed cosmetologist. I'm majoring in criminal justice. I love reading an writing on topics of my choosing. I love to work in groups. If you ever need to ask someone if you need help if i know it i have no problem helping out. also, im excited to grow as a reader and writer.